dentist looking at root canal xray

Surgeries are for a variety of reasons and different circumstances. A few examples of oral surgeries include, wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, braces, and many more. These all have their own reasons for their procedures, and all have different pain levels and varying recovery time. 

Why Oral Surgery Might Be Necessary

Undoubtedly, dental surgery means a variety of different types of surgeries. Oral surgery, however, is any surgery that includes the mouth, teeth, gums, or jaws. Most often than not, oral surgeries require a consultation in order to determine whether that surgery is really necessary or not. In cases where one’s wisdom teeth are  grown out and are interrupting the state of your existing teeth, a removal is necessary. 


blonde woman's teeth being observed by dentist

Different Types Of Oral Surgery

The term oral surgery is very broad and branches off to a lot of different procedures. There are surgeries specifically for the teeth, or for jaw, or both. Here is a list of a few of the more well-known processes.

Tooth Extractions

Teeth removal is sometimes inevitable. If there is enough damage on one tooth, it can negatively affect the teeth around it. So, to combat this, there is a procedure also known as tooth extraction, where the tooth is permanently taken out. This is done by a dentist or licensed oral surgeon. The process is usually very simple and rarely has complications.


Dental Implants

In contrast to the last procedure, dental implants are for replacing missing teeth. These implants are made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone. Over time, the titanium fuses with the jawbone, creating a strong foundation for the fake tooth.


Jaw Surgery

On the other hand, one of the more intense oral surgeries is jaw surgery. Jaw surgery is meant to fix any irregularities of the jaw and facial structure. This surgery is carried out by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The process consists of making incisions from the mouth to access the bones of the jaw. Sometimes, jaw surgery is not always to fix the physical jaw appearance. Sometimes it’s to treat sleep apnea, cleft palate, facial trauma, or TMJ disorders. Jaw surgery is one of the most intense types of oral surgery with a long recovery period. Make sure to discuss the risks of undergoing jaw surgery with your dentist or oral surgeon.


Root Canals

Root canals are also one of the more intense surgeries. This process is to repair a tooth undergoing decay or damage. In order to do this, the tissue with damage is removed. Afterwards, the surgeon will clean, fill, and seal the tooth. This particular procedure is only to be done by a dentist or endodontist. An endodontist is a specialist that specializes in the treating of diseases within the pulp and nerves of the tooth. This procedure can take one or two visits, although it does not require hospitalization. However, it does consist of a painful recovery.



Finally, crowns. Crowns generally fall into a more simple process. The process simply consists of placing an artificial covering over a tooth with damage. In some cases, they can be for supporting a dental bridge.

extracted tooth

Aftercare: What To Expect Following Surgery

Most importantly, the healing process is one of the most important parts of the entire surgical process. Pain is often followed by the procedures, which means avoid hard foods and excessive movement of the mouth or jaw. Keep your fresh wound clean and dry, and make sure to wash the incision with soap and water everyday. Most surgeries, other than jaw surgery, take up to a week for recovery.

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In conclusion, there is a broad spectrum of oral surgeries that your dentist or oral surgeon can do for you. Each procedure is for a specific purpose to ensure the healthy state of your teeth. If experience any pain or discomfort, contact Eastern Virginia Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Norfolk or Virginia Beach today to schedule an appointment or consultation.