Corrective jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, addresses a range of issues related to jaw misalignment. At Eastern Virginia Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we offer advanced orthognathic surgery to correct functional and aesthetic concerns. Here’s a closer look at what it involves and how it can benefit you.

What is Corrective Jaw Surgery?

Also known as orthognathic surgery, it involves realigning the jaw to improve its function and appearance. This procedure corrects misalignments of the upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), or both, addressing issues that affect biting, chewing, and speaking.

Why is Corrective Jaw Surgery Needed?

Orthognathic surgery becomes necessary for several reasons:

  • Jaw Misalignment: Misaligned jaws can lead to difficulty in biting, chewing, and speaking.
  • Facial Aesthetics: Misalignment can impact facial symmetry and overall appearance.
  • Dental Problems: Malocclusions or bite issues may contribute to tooth wear, jaw pain, and other dental problems.
  • Sleep Apnea: Some patients with severe jaw misalignment experience obstructive sleep apnea.
The Orthognathic Surgery Procedure

The procedure involves several key steps:

  • Preoperative Planning: We start by conducting detailed imaging and diagnostic tests to plan the surgery precisely.
  • Surgical Correction: During the surgery, we realign the jaw using specialized techniques and secure it in place with plates, screws, or other devices.
  • Postoperative Care: After the surgery, we provide comprehensive care instructions and follow-up appointments to monitor healing and ensure optimal results.
What to Expect After Corrective Jaw Surgery

After undergoing orthognathic surgery, you may experience swelling, discomfort, and changes in your ability to eat and speak. Follow postoperative care instructions carefully to support healing. Your recovery time will vary based on the complexity of the surgery and your individual health.

The Benefits of Corrective Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic surgery offers numerous benefits:

  • Improved Function: Corrects jaw alignment issues, enhancing biting, chewing, and speaking abilities.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Improves facial symmetry and overall appearance.
  • Increased Comfort: Reduces pain and discomfort associated with jaw misalignment and malocclusions.
  • Better Health: Addresses underlying issues like obstructive sleep apnea, improving overall well-being.

At Eastern Virginia Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we are dedicated to providing high-quality corrective jaw surgery to enhance both function and appearance. Contact us today to learn more about how orthognathic surgery can benefit you.